Thursday, 29 December 2016

Breaking News Ticker Widget For Blogger - JSON Feeds Support!

Breaking News Ticker Widget For blogger

Breaking News Ticker widget for Blogger blogs is a free, flat, stylish, modern, easy to use and responsive Blogger jQuery news ticker. It displays text-based titles of your latest posts in a scrolling fashion automatically. It is the best way to showcase your hottest content to your website visitors on your homepage just how BBC or CNN does it! We have coded it using Blogger JSON Feeds API and jQuery News Ticker plugin.

Some sites like codecanyon are selling News Ticker Plugins at $5, but you will not only get it free at MBT but you will also learn how such widgets are coded if you read our JSON Feeds series.

Instead of using RSS Feeds to built a scrolling newsticker, we will use JSON Feeds to create a more advanced, lightweight and dynamic News Ticker that will not only just display titles but will also show almost every info (i.e. Avatar/Comments/Published date) about your blog post.

What is a News Ticker?

A news ticker is a primarily horizontal, text-based display. Most tickers are traditionally displayed in the form of scrolling text running from right to left across the screen. This term originally refers to Television News tickers, scrolling near the bottom of the TV screen. The TV news ticker allows breaking news to be shown to the viewer without interrupting the current broadcast. Similarly webmasters have adopted a similar method of displaying latest news on their websites homepage. The latest headlines of your websites or blog is shown scrolling from left to right across the width of the site to keep visitors informed about most updated content.

In short it is a simple, handy widget that helps you to showcase your website's latest headlines, latest updates or featured content from a specific category.

Features of Breaking News Ticker Widget:

Blogger News Ticker is an advanced widget equipped with these features:

  • Author Avatar - Unique!

  • Displays latest posts dynamically. - Unique!

  • Displays recent posts from a specific category/label.

  • Scrolling text with two animations: reveal & fade

  • Clickable Comments Count

  • Custom Date Format - Unique!

  • Title Length is adjustable

  • Fully Customizable - Multi Colors!

  • Responsive and mobile friendly. 

  • Controls Navigation. Play/Pause, Next/Previous

  • Support all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.

  • Many more!

How To add News Ticker Widget In Blogger?

To add news ticker widget in your blogger templates, please follow these easy steps:

  1. Go To Blogger > Template

  2. Backup your template

  3. Click "Edit HTML"

  4. Just below <head> tag paste the following JS and CSS source links:

    <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>

    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

  5. Next search ]]></b:skin> and just above it paste the following code:

    /*########Default Newsticker Styles#########*/

    .ticker-wrapper.has-js{margin:20px 0;padding:0 20px;width:780px;height:32px;display:block;-webkit-border-radius:15px;-moz-border-radius:15px;border-radius:15px;background-color:#f8f0db;font-size:.75em}




    .ticker-content a{text-decoration:none;color:#1F527B}

    .ticker-content a:hover{text-decoration:underline;color:#0D3059}


    .ticker-swipe span{margin-left:1px;background-color:#f8f0db;border-bottom:1px solid #1F527B;height:12px;width:7px;display:block}

    .ticker-controls{padding:8px 0 0;list-style-type:none;float:left}

    .ticker-controls li{padding:0;margin-left:5px;float:left;cursor:pointer;height:16px;width:16px;display:block}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:32px 16px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over{background-position:32px 32px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.down{background-position:32px 0}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:48px 16px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over{background-position:48px 32px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.down{background-position:48px 0}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:0 16px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev.over{background-position:0 32px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev.down{background-position:0 0}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next{background-image:url(../images/controls.png);background-position:16px 16px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next.over{background-position:16px 32px}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next.down{background-position:16px 0}


    .no-js-news{padding:10px 0 0 45px;color:#F8F0DB}

    .left .ticker-controls,.left .ticker-content,.left .ticker-title,.left .ticker{float:left}

    .left .ticker-controls{padding-left:6px}

    .right .ticker-controls,.right .ticker-content,.right .ticker-title,.right .ticker{float:right}

    .right .ticker-controls{padding-right:6px}

    /*########Blogger Newsticker by MBT#########*/

    .ticker-wrapper.has-js{margin:0;padding:0;width:98%;height:42px;display:block;border-radius:0;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #eee;font-size:12px}


    .ticker-title{background:#71db00;padding:10px;color:#FFF;font-size:16px;font-family:oswald;text-transform:uppercase;text-shadow:1px 1px 6px #666}

    .ticker-title:after{left:76px;top:10px;height:0;width:0;position:absolute;content:" ";pointer-events:none;margin-left:0;margin-top:1px;border-left:13px solid #71db00;border-top:10px solid transparent;border-bottom:10px solid transparent;-moz-transform:scale(.9999)}



    .ticker-swipe span{margin-left:1px;background-color:#fff;border-bottom:1px solid #333;height:12px;width:7px}

    .ticker-controls{padding:0!important;margin:13px 0 0 10px !important;list-style-type:none;position:relative;right:-50px}

    .ticker-controls li{padding:0;margin-left:5px;float:left;cursor:pointer;height:16px;width:16px;display:block}

    .ticker-controls li a{border:0!important;padding:0!important}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over,.ticker-controls li.jnt-prev,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over,.ticker-controls li.jnt-next{position:absolute;background:none}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause:after,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.over:after{content:"\f04c";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:1.8em}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused:after,.ticker-controls li.jnt-play-pause.paused.over:after{content:"\f04b";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:1.8em}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-prev:after{content:"\f04a";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:0}

    .ticker-controls li.jnt-next:after{content:"\f04e";font-size:13px;color:#71db00;font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;left:3.6em}

    .ticker .iauthor:before,.ticker .icomments:before,.ticker .idate:before{font-family:fontAwesome;position:relative;padding-right:8px;color:#fff}

    .ticker .iauthorpic{width:16px!important;height:16px!important;border-radius:50%;float:none;display:inline-block!important;margin:0;padding-right:3px;position:relative;top:3px}

    .ticker span{padding-right:5px;font-family:Oswald;font-weight:400}

    .ticker .icomments a{color:#71db00;font-size:11px}

    .ticker .icomments a:hover{text-decoration:underline}

    .ticker .icomments:before{content:'\f086';padding:0 3px 0 0;color:#777;position:relative;top:-1px}

    .ticker .idate{font-size:11px;padding-right:7px}

    .ticker .idate:before{content:'\f073';padding:0 5px;color:#777;position:relative;top:-1px}

    .ticker .mbttitle{font-family:oswald;font-size:14px;color:#71db00!important;font-weight:400;text-decoration:none}

    .ticker .mbttitle:hover{text-decoration:underline}

    Make these changes

    • To change the green color theme of the News Ticker simply replace the green highlighted color codes with color of your choice. The color can be in rgb or #hexadecimal, both work. Use our  Color Code Generator.

  6. Save your template.

  7. Now go to Blogger > Layout

  8. Select "Add a Gadget"

  9. Choose "HTML/JavaScript" gadget

  10. Keep the title field empty and then paste the following code inside it:

    <!-- ######### Breaking News Ticker By MBT ############# -->

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">


    var ListBlogLink = "";

    var ListCount = 5;

    var TitleCount = 70;

    var ListLabel = "Widgets";

    //----------------------------Function Start

    function mbtlist(json) {

    document.write('<ul id="js-news" class="js-hidden">');

    for (var i = 0; i < ListCount; i++)


    //-----------------------------Variables Declared

    var listing= ListImage = ListUrl = ListTitle = ListImage = ListContent = ListConten = ListAuthor = ListTag = ListDate = ListUpdate = ListComments = thumbUrl = TotalPosts = sk = AuthorPic= ListMonth = Y = D = M = m = YY = DD = MM = mm = TT =  "";

    //----------------------------- Title URL

    for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) {

    if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') {




    ListUrl= "'" + json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href + "'";

    //----------------------------------- Title Stirng

    if (json.feed.entry[i].title!= null)


    ListTitle= json.feed.entry[i].title.$t.substr(0, TitleCount);


    if (json.feed.entry[i].thr$total)


    ListComments= "<a href='"+json.feed.entry[i].link[j].href+"#comment-form'>"+json.feed.entry[i].thr$total.$t+"</a>";


    ListAuthor= json.feed.entry[i].author[0].name.$t.split(" ");

    ListAuthor=ListAuthor.slice(0, 1).join(" ");

    AuthorPic = json.feed.entry[i].author[0].gd$image.src;

    //################### Date Format

    ListMonth= ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];

    ListDate= json.feed.entry[i].published.$t.substring(0,10);

                             Y = ListDate.substring(0, 4);

                            m = ListDate.substring(5, 7);

                             D = ListDate.substring(8, 10);

                             M = ListMonth[parseInt(m - 1)]; 

    //----------------------------------- Printing List

    var listing = "<li class='news-item'><span class='iauthor'><img class='iauthorpic' src='"+AuthorPic+"'/>"

    +ListAuthor+ "</span> <span class='icomments'>"

    +ListComments + "</span>  <span class='idate'>"

    + D + " " + M + "</span><i class='fa fa-chevron-right'></i> <a class='mbttitle' href="








    document.write("</ul><script src='"+ListBlogLink+"/feeds/posts/default/-/"+ListLabel+"?alt=json-in-script&callback=mbtlist'></"+"script>");

    /*##########Breaking News Ticker Settings########*/

        $(function () {


            speed: 0.20,

            controls: true,  

            titleText: 'Hottest',

            displayType: 'reveal',

            pauseOnItems: 2000,   




    Make these changes:

    • ListBlogLink : Insert your Blog URL here

    • ListCount : Decide how many breaking titles do you wish to display.

    • TitleCount : Choose how many characters to display in post title length.

    • ListLabel : Insert your blog label here. Remember that labels are case sensitive. Therefore type it exactly as it is shown in your browser address bar. News Ticker will not work if label case is not correct. Edit "Widgets"

    • speed: Edit this value (0.20) to increase or decrease the scroll speed.

    • controls: Set true to false if you wish to hide the control buttons i.e. Play/Pause, Next/Previous

    • titleText: Set the News Ticker title here from Hottest to anything you like such as Latest, Breaking etc.

    • displayType: There are two types of scrolling text animation, reveal or fade. Set it as per your preference.

    • TitleCount : Choose how many characters to display in post title.

    • If you want to show latest posts headlines of your blog without mentioning any specific label/category then simply remove /-/"+ListLabel+" from the code above. 

  11. Click Save button and you are all ready to start showing animated plus scrolling headlines to your readers! :)

Do You Need Any Help?

The installation steps above are made extremely simple. You just need to follow it carefully especially taking care of the label case sensitivity and also the jQuery file. Let me know if you need any help. I would love to assist you as soon as time allows.

I really appreciate when you share your feedback.  Please let us know how useful was this tutorial for you and how can this cool news ticker widget help you to better engage your readers and increase your pageviews. Would be waiting to hear from you.

The next tutorial will be based on adding a tooltip to this ticker for displaying Image Thumbnail plus description snippet, it would be an amazing enhancement to the current design, so stay tuned for updates! :)

Secondary Education

Secondary education is basically regarded as the education children receive in their teen years. The exact general age group for secondary education varies around the globe, but generally the same age group after 12 pursues secondary education after finishing their junior schools.

They are referred to as the basic education which makes an individual’s life, and generally is regarded as high school, middle school, sixth form, sixth form colleges, lyceum etc according to their countries. Most countries provide free secondary education to all children where as in rest of the countries tuition rate varies as per quality of school, whether it is private or government.

The most vital aspect of secondary education is that it prepares the students for upcoming practical life, and gives an idea about the critical education ahead in colleges. In most countries, the education children receive in their early years is declared crucial to the development of job skills and other attributes mandatory to become a keen worker and a prominent member of the society.

Importance of Secondary Education- Any system that helps in the development of one’s personality and knowledge is considered important enhance our skills. High school prepares students for the real world criticism and analytical thinking. It is a huge aspect in the development of professional skills. It gives you a chance to grow up mentally, physically, emotionally, and into someone who is much mature than his past. Almost 60 percent of the companies want employees who have graduated more than high school. So if even high school is not completed, you can well imagine the rough task of finding a job without high school graduation.

Economical growth and poverty reduction- Education is the best skill anyone can acquire. It helps us to improve the standards of our life and contribute towards the better economy of the country. Knowledge enhances the skills of a person and it progresses the development of the country at a national level. When hundreds of people are educated, some of them pursue higher education, find jobs and earn money. This is helping us to erase much poverty in the country. Not all can be erased but it is reduced to a minimum.

Key issues in Secondary Education-

The main points in secondary education are:

  1. Access
  2. Quality and Relevance
  3. Curriculum
  4. Assessment
  5. Financing
  6. Governance
  7. Technology
  8. Teaching

All these elements ensure quality development in growing individuals. The best schools and teachers give the most distinct qualities, which helps the students to excel their professional lives. Some families or students themselves live on the belief that knowledge is not really necessary and that everything can be achieved in life with other means. That can be true in rare cases or with luck. But the most certain and definite way of improving our own self is the gain of knowledge.

Now considering child marriages in some underdeveloped countries, if secondary education is provided then early marriages would drop more than 60 percent in the world. Education for girls should be made compulsory as they are the mothers of the nation and they nourish our upcoming generation. If they are taught well, they give better guidance to their children.

Effect of secondary education on population- Education has a huge impact on the growth of population. The ratio of a larger family between educated and uneducated people differs to a massive extent. This is no news that that an educated woman or man can decide better for themselves and decide to have average children and earn bread for them. The population of a country also depends on the secondary education provided.

Improving learning outcomes requires strategic reforms and interventions at all levels of the education system. Major challenges in access to a meaningful education remain for the most disadvantaged populations, and there is a need to close these gaps and to improve the quality of service provision through better policies and stronger institutions.

We can summarize that secondary education is crucial to human development in order to enhance their sense and mature them into a better person. People with secondary education generally have more awareness about world affairs or general issues. Importance of secondary education should be promoted so that more and more people pursue this after junior education.

Online Education Programs

Emphasis on education due to its vital role in the development of a country or nation is increasing day by day at an immense rate. We can say that the normal routine studies have advanced to a whole new level which is prescribed as online education system. Equal standards and value are being maintained for these programs in order to keep up with the quality and race of on campus programs.
The rate of success of these programs is only supported by the students who cannot afford on campus colleges due to high tuition, travelling and accommodation expenses. Every routine, does not suit everybody. People put up all their life’s work and earned money and are still working to afford tuition for college. This problem has been minimized to a large extent due to online education.

Advantages of online education programs- Two words; Time conserving and affordable. People from all over the world can sit at their homes and get quality education from the best universities in the world and also keep up with their busy routines and jobs. They can access the lectures uploaded on portal any time, pick their own study hours and complete their assignments whenever they are free.

Disadvantages of online education programs- People who acquire online degrees are degraded on the basis that they have no experience of practical work or real world interaction and competition skills. They cannot cope with the idea of group work and do not perform better than the regular students.

In reality, all these statements can be frowned upon because the best universities like Stanford, Harvard and Oxford have also introduced this system to facilitate students from all over the word. The standard of these degrees is almost equal and they get almost as easily employed by companies and firms etc. Recent study has been done which states that most people who get online degrees work harder and are better at their jobs.

Types of online education programs- There are diverse online programs from 6 month courses to professional degrees. Many online education sites are also introduced in order to develop interest in people to pursue education and make a difference in this world.  Normal courses can be of English proficiency, Art whereas Professional courses include Science, Applied Science, Social Science, Medicine plus English and Art too.

Employment ratio of Online Degree holders to regular degree holders- Most of the companies in the modern era do not differentiate between online and regular degrees. They believe in equality, especially when there is a large number of people who study online but work better and prove themselves as an asset to the company. The most common online degree pursued is of MBA as it requires experience and people who opt for MBA also have a job.

Accreditation- The most important aspect of an online education system is that the professional courses should be accredited. Otherwise, they would not be able to meet up to the standards of the regular degree programs and people would neglect this system which will result in less people getting educated. Thus all programs should be verified with respect to their courses and way of teaching etc.
How does online education play an important role in the development? – Education is without any doubt the most revolutionary and life changing aspect which can change a country’s fate. With less and less people going to college with excuses of high rents and expensive tuition, the countries would be left behind. No mind should be uneducated.

Everyone should be given the chance of enhancing their skills and do something for the progress of their nation. The brightest example of this is China. They have become the best from the worst and now are one of the super powers of the world.

Popularity of online education programs- People from all over the world opt for such programs. Distance is no issue now. The relaxation of a suitable routine and less cost has attracted everyone and so far many people have taken advantage of this opportunity and are employed at best offices now. Compared to what they were and what they are now, their living standards and lifestyle have improved. The rate of popularity of online education system is increasing day by day.

Free online education websites

Education is necessary to keep up with the living standards and the rapid advancement in the modern era. This is a widely accepted truth among almost all parts of the world that the education of population is a massive investment towards the bright future of a county. But these days, with the decreasing economy post high school education is impossible for some students and people who live in rural areas have a hard time accessing to high schools.

 To overcome this issue and support the needs of people hundreds and thousands of online education systems have been introduced in the past decades and are contributing to spreading education among the underprivileged. So many brilliant minds are left behind and are unable to make changes due to the lack of opportunity and education. The modern era has left no excuses for them to give and online education websites provide free education in any part of the world. Some of the best online education sites are free of cost:

Coursera offers a massive variety of online open courses with the subjects of choice. It also provides the lectures taught by professors from university, quizzes and important forums. Some of these courses also certify individuals for the course they’ve completed for recognition. This is one of the best free educational sites offered to interested students.


This is a language based site for improving skills in any language. This provides lessons and teaches grammar to perfect the language under consideration. Some of the main languages taught on this site are Spanish, French, German, Italian etc. It makes student familiar with video, audio and writing skills in order to attain comfort with the language.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a complete platform for study in various subjects such as Science, Math, and English etc. It educated the students in forms of mini lectures and explanation videos. It provides information only on a certain topic at once, but the topics are dependent on each other. Khan Academy is extremely popular among high school students and junior level.

iTunes U

This site provides video and audio learning in an integrated form. It is right inside the iTunes program where people manage their music. The tool offers online courses with complete lectures, the ability to take notes on those lectures and assignments to continue learning outside of the lecture environment.

MIT OpenCourseWare

This site is an impressive collection of course materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with the complete provision of notes, lectures, sample tests and assignments of the university. MIT is a leading institute in fields of Science, Computer and Engineering.


Similar in presentation to Coursera, it offers full online courses with teachers, discussion boards, quizzes and much more. It tends to excel at courses in math, sciences and engineering. Much like Coursera, it has arrangements with a number of universities – from Harvard to the University of Hong Kong – to provide material. It provides a highly structured course environment.


This website is a brilliant tool for learning the basics of Computer Programming. It teaches you how to write the necessary codes to develop interactive websites using the most widely used languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP etc.

Academic Earth

Academic Earth brings together top notch courses from many different sources, and focuses on offering a wide variety of subjects. Academic Earth lists courses by subject and school, so it might be easier for the users to find what they’re looking for.

Ted- Ed

Ted-Ed is packed of educational videos on a variety of general education topics that can be accessed for free. Not only are there motivational speakers on Ted, there are also topical videos, often less than ten minutes each that are full of important information.

The thing that is to be kept in mind is that all free education websites provide all kinds of information varying in levels of professionalism and difficulty, but the passion and interest of students is necessary. Online platform for study is provided solely for the purpose of educating children and people from far off or poor areas, and people should benefit from it.

Small Business Insurance

Small Business is generally easier to handle compared to large scale business. It requires triple amount of hard work and effort put into it and it and constant attention. Business can be tricky, and every single one of them suffers the graph of profit and loss. To protect any major losses or even incidents which lead to legal hearing, insurances are offered by companies. Any small business should have multiple insurances regarding major or minor happenings.

General Liability Insurance

Each business, whether or not it is international, requires having liability insurance.  The insurance policy offers both legal defense and any damage caused if the customer, his employees or their products/services cause  any harm or are alleged to have caused any Physical Injury or Property Damage to a third party.

Business owner’s policy

 A business owner policy package is all that is required to cover what he needs. Most of the time, BOP’s  include insurances for business interruption, property, vehicle, liability and crime. According to the company’s particular needs, one can edit what is included in the BOP. Traditionally, business owners save money by choosing a BOP because the total service package costs less than the total cost of all the individual coverage’s.

Property Insurance

This is one of the most vital insurances any business owner should have. Small business owners require more insurance so that in case of any incident or loss, the company doesn’t completely shut down and loss can also be mended easily. Business owners have their own building or own business personal property, including office equipment, computers, inventory or tools that should be considered purchasing a policy. Property Insurance protects in case of fire, vandalism, theft, smoke or damage etc.  Business interruption/loss of earning insurance should also be considered as a part of the policy to protect one’s earnings if the business is not capable to operate.

Worker Payment Insurance

This offers insurance to employees who are injured on the job. This kind of insurance provides income replacement and medical assistance to those who are injured while working. As a replacement for these benefits, the employee disowns his rights to sue that employer for the incident. Being a business owner, it is vital to have worker compensation insurance because it protects one’s self and the company from any legal complications.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

This insurance protects the company’s vehicles. You can protect vehicles that carry employees, products or any sort of equipment. With commercial auto insurance one can insure their work cars, SUVs, vans and trucks from collisions and damage.  If you do not have company vehicles, but employees drive their own cars on company business you should have non-owned auto liability to protect the company in case the employee does not have insurance nor has inadequate coverage.  Many times the non-owned can be added to the BOP policy.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance. The policy for this insurance provides defense against any damages or failure to improperly rendering professional services. The general liability policy does not provide this protection, so it is important to comprehend the dissimilarity. Professional liability insurance is applicable to any professional firm including lawyers, accountants, consultants, real estate agents, etc.

Home Insurance 

This is one of the most important kinds of insurance that an individual needs. This type of insurance protects against any damage to home and against damage to items present in the home. Moreover, this type of insurance also protects you from accidents that may happen at home or may have occurred due to actions of one’s own self.

Director/Officer Insurance

This insurance protects the position of directors and officers of the company against their actions that can affect the profitability or operations of the company. If a director or officer of the company, as a direct result of their actions on the job, finds him or herself in legal circumstances, this type of insurance can cover all costs or damages lost as a result of the lawsuit.

Data Violation Insurance

If the business hoards sensitive or non-public information about employees or clients on their computers, servers or in papers, they are responsible for protecting that information.  If any breach occurs either electronically or from a paper file a Data Breach policy will provide protection against the loss.

Debt of Education

Decreasing economy is leading to increase in budget nearly every day. Expenses are going up sky high; people are worried about paying rents and buying just enough food. These problems haven’t been looked after and they won’t be any soon. Such times have also increased the tuition fee and rates of college education or universities, and it is now harder than ever to afford higher education. This is because to attend college not only tuition rates are to be worried about but also room rent, clothing and food.

Many a number of students are studying on scholarships and a fairly large number of students work part-time to pay off their student loans and debt for college. They go through the toughest times of their lives managing both work and college just for the sake of a better future and the passion of achieving their goals. The debt of education is increasing day by day.

Eligibility criteria for loans- Candidates who have passed their high school with fair grades are eligible to apply for loans. These loans have been planned to provide the opportunity to attend college and are provided by banks, universities, insurance policies, colleges and Federal Aid programs etc.
Why college costs so much? -  This reason has never been- till present- explained thoroughly why tuition cost is rising heavily every year. Most surveys and teachers believe that this is so that the college has less number of students who have the best minds and are able to make their way through college.

Facts into focus, this does seem to go along a little with the rising rates. The most intelligent students earn scholarships and those who have passion to study also work so most students in college graduate successfully. But this is no way fair to people who cannot afford it even after double shifts and jobs and loans. Also, countries don’t primarily pay attention to the field of education and the almost non affordable tuition rates.

Drowning in debt- Rising costs and extensive debate about the economic returns of a college degree—the pace of education peaked in 2010 and has been falling since. The growing gap between the cost of higher education and the growth of household income is also putting a hold on the college dreams of millions of families. The 2013 survey in America declared that 62 percent of the population could not afford to pay for college. More than half the population agreed that a college education is important to a successful future.

How much is spent on college? - Private colleges and universities are considerably more expensive than their public counterparts. According to College Board, tuition and fees average over $ 30,000 per year. Tuition is the amount only charged for classes. The other fees related to enrolling and attending a college includes room and board, books and supplies, personal expenses and transportation. It is essential to note that most college students receive some sort of financial aid - money that is given or lent to help pay for the cost of college.

What can be done to minimize this? – A prominent reason for students in debt is because they have no help from their parents. The individuals have just turned legal, and affording college education almost instantly is practically impossible for them. Parents should at least help their children enough to provide them with an average of some kick start money which can motivate them and boost their Morales.

Government should consider this progressing problem which is ruining aspirations of millions f people and improve employment opportunity and economy rate so that this problem can be minimized to some extent.

Problems of Indebted Students- Academic pressures consist of learning how to manage time and meet deadlines, prepare for tests and written assignments, and steer communication with instructors. Many college students also have to cope with pressures from financial debts. The rising costs of college and the risk of losing a scholarship due to academic performance enforces many students to take on part-time jobs to pay room, board and tuition expenses and daily expenses, such as utility costs. Some students struggle with loneliness, anxiety, bullying, depression and homesickness while at college, especially within the first few semesters. These social pressures can lead to mental health issues.

Education in United States

Basic Information

America is one of the largest continents in the world and it has developed rapidly into the foremost advanced countries, and has become one of the greatest super powers of the world. America firmly believes that educating people is one of the greatest influences of all times and it adds massively to the development of a country.

Every country and state has its own education system and compulsory years of education, which are commonly twelve throughout the world. Even in the same states, variations are common in all schools. This can be due to the quality of teaching, change of course, and qualification of teachers present in the school. American schools have tended to reflect the educational values and financial capabilities of the communities in the location.

Early Education  

Early education can be branched into different types e.g. Day Care, Kindergarten and elementary school. Day Care is the education given by baby sitters and care takers while mothers need to attend to their jobs and meet the needs of family. This is one of the most basic forms of education where children are made familiar to colors, numbers and alphabets etc.

Kindergarten, where as is the training of children to spell or read words and learn basic math like addition or multiplication. This is for children who are almost six years of age and can easily talk. Further progressing to elementary school trains children to write paragraphs, solve a bit more complicated word problems and learn basic science.

Junior High School

Once passed through fifth grade children advance to sixth grade known commonly in America as junior high school including the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. This is basically a prep for higher classes where complex science and math is taught. Languages are also introduced in this such as French or Spanish.

High school 

High schools in United States consist of field trips, tougher study, conceptual exams and what not. But all this also consists of co curricular activities to enhance the personality of students and boost their confidence. This is where students become aware of their interests and goals and prompt themselves for professional studies in the future.

Aptitude Tests

After graduating high school, students are required to take aptitude tests in order to judge their capabilities and assess their personalities so they can apply for admission in their desired colleges. These aptitude tests can be for Law, Engineering or Medical colleges etc. They are commonly known as SAT’s, LSAT’s (for law) etc.

Professional Education

High school graduates can further acquire professional education through colleges and universities. By enrolling for graduate programs, they are awarded with professional degrees which can help them land better jobs in better places. Professional education is not possible for all students due to expensive tuition. Professional Education can be at Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate Level.

Cost of Education in United States

Unlike some countries, America provides free education to everyone till high school so that no one can be alienated from the basic concepts and knowledge. All high school expenses covered, but College and Universities charge excessive tuition fee that most families can’t afford. This is why enrollment rate of individuals in college is far less than high school. Passionate students work double shifts in order to fulfill their requirements and pay off their student loans.


Academic and need based scholarships are provided to the most intellectual and hardworking students. These scholarships help some of the brightest students to achieve their goals and join the workforce someday for the development of the country.

Literacy rate in United States

Despite all efforts and hardships, the country cannot meet to provide education to each and every individual. According to a recent study by U.S Department, nearly 32 million people in the United States cannot read; that makes almost 14 percent of the population. This is an alarming situation for America and this issue should be brought into focus immediately.

Individual Responsibility

Individual responsibility has a vital role in the American system. This value is taught to children from a very young age. For example, beginning from kindergarten, each year students are given a handbook that outlines the details of the school’s policies and procedures, and the consequences for violating them.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Distance Education Degree

Technology has helped people from far most rural areas of the country to educate themselves by the dynamic world of online education. Far most countries can also access to online education anywhere in the world as there are no geographical constraints. No excuses can be made. Distance learning is home assignments and self preparation with the help of recorded lectures and learn while being at a different location to the course provider.

Distance education opens up to a massive amount of students who struggle daily for lectures, seminars, other activities and also who work hard at their jobs. On campus shift is hard for them to keep up with. In this, students can create their own routine, study at their particular times and also concentrate in peace as they don’t have to rush between lecture halls and colleges every day.
How many disciplines are available? -  Almost all disciplines are now open to distance education degrees so students can get the degree of choice. It is important to access one’s self for the choice of a program and does what the student has most interest in. It will help him to excel that field and his career. The list of disciplines includes Education, Journalism, Literature, Art, Science, Engineering, Medicine etc.

Duration of a distance degree- The time of the complete degree depends on whether the individual is studying part time, full time, or according to the field he chooses. Medicine and engineering takes longer, but that totally depends on the programs. The time frame is similar to that of the normal on campus degree programs. The accredited universities will give a specific time period for the completion of their work and assignments.

Cost of distance education degree- Open University in United Kingdom is one of the largest providers of online/distance education, according to their research, the budget of online degree is 6500$ less than that of on campus degrees in any university. Learning from a distance also results in a considerable saving on accommodation and travel costs. The best universities are in London, UK, Paris, New York where the cost of living is especially higher.

Famous Universities offering online professional degree- Some of the best universities in the world have also introduced online degrees in order to facilitate people all over the world. Some of those universities include Oxford, Stanford and University of Florida.

 Countries with online education system- A large number of countries have established this system in their country and more countries are joining this day by day due to increasing demand of education and especially when technology has made everything easier.

Difference between distance education and regular education- 

Regular Education

This is the oldest and most typical way of getting education and learning. Sure the experience of college life is worthwhile, but the students struggling with their lives and problems of affording their tuition don’t have much help and this is why so many students leave college halfway, work double shifts and thus don’t concentrate on their studies much. Students have to report exactly on time for quizzes seminars and lectures. They have to submit their projects and perform all practical experiments. The life of a college student is hectic. In addition to all this, on campus programs cost a fortune more than those of online degree programs.

Distance Education

Distance education teaches us more independence because students have to observe themselves and correct their projects. No mentors are present full time to correct your mistakes. Regular classes are compulsory for all students where as online classes are optional and students can access lectures and notes on sites anytime. There is no necessity of taking internal exams except some subjects under this scheme of study.

Merits AND De-merits of distance education-

Online education degree has no time limits and attendance restrictions, self learning, speedy progress in one’s self development, unique brains from remote areas, opportunities for higher education and improved skills. But then again, considering the facts, the disadvantages of this includes no supervision, no suggestions, negligible practical experience, limited awareness and no reviews. We can say that online education must be considered as the best option only if on campus education is strictly non-affordable for an individual, but that doesn’t state that online education programs have rank zero.
There is a common misconception that online degrees are not accepted of preferred at interviews or for hiring. But the times have changed; now the best universities are offering online courses, and the interviewers and companies give equal importance to online education degrees and regular degrees.

Masters in Education

The swift increase in population is a threat to the world. Millions of people around the world are unemployed and are working in position nowhere relevant to their field of study. More and more graduates are stepping into practical life to join the work force and the competition is getting tougher. In this case, only the graduates who have extra talents and abilities can get the job.

But there definitely is another way to overcome this problem; A Masters Degree. Masters in Education is a post-graduate degree offered to individuals after the completion of their Bachelors degree.  This degree is an excellent opportunity to improve the level of one’s education which results in better job offers. The ratio of graduates to postgraduates differs by a colossal difference which is definite because the more educated an individual, the more profits he can earn for his workplace.
This degree also prepares the candidates willing to continue for higher postgraduate degrees like Doctorate or P.H.D to ensure a better understanding of the subject and expand their research. It includes various majors such as instruction, curriculum, counseling, administration and school psychology. The basic objective of this degree program is shaped for professional development and people who want to excel at their lives and improve their living standards.

Value of this degree- Almost all masters degree holders are employed at good places and are well paid. Interviewers and companies prefer people with better expertise at their fields and who can prove themselves as an asset to the company. Bachelor degree holders don’t get targeted jobs and get a hard time finding work. The 2008 survey of employers conducted by the UK’s Association of Graduate Recruiters found that those employers who were prepared to pay a premium would pay master’s holders a noticeably handsome amount more than the bachelor's degree.

A 2010 article on the Society for Human Resource Management website noted that demand is so great for advanced education that a master's not only increases salary, but also leads to greater sustainability within an organization.
Types of Masters Degrees- The post-graduate degree program can be divided according to the fields.

Master of Arts (M.A)

This title is awarded on the completion of degrees from the categories of Arts and Social sciences. Social sciences include communication, language, linguistics, literature, history, education and music.

Master of Research (M.Res)

This is a research–based degree acquired by individuals to expand their horizons and contribute to the corpus of the world. Whether it be any subject, applied science or art, research plays a vital role in the development of any field.

Master of Science (M.S)

All sciences and applied sciences like Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, statistics and health are included in this.

Master of Studies (M.Std)

This degree is taught only in a few places e.g. Oxford, Cambridge Canberra and Dublin and precisely described as similar to the M.A /M.Sc degrees. It requires thesis completion, research and classroom learning.

Other types of Master’s degrees are specified according to the subjects.

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  2. Master of Library Science (MLS, MLIS, MSLS).
  3. Master of Public Administration (MPA)
  4. Master of Public Health (MPH)
  5. Master of Social Work (MSW)
  6. Master of Laws (LLM)
  7. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MA, MALS, MLA/ALM, MLS)   
  8. Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
  9. Master of Music (MM/MMus)
  10. Master of Education (MEd, MSEd, MIT, MAEd, MAT)
  11. Master of Engineering (MEng)
  12. Master of Architecture (MArch)

Why to get a Master’s degree? -

Increasing unemployment in the world is becoming a major problem. People, who opt for higher studies after post-graduation get higher salaries, face minimum unemployment due to the strong marketplace demand. They have lesser chances of losing their jobs and work stress free with better job security. It urges a person to create powerful incentives to ascend in life.

Promotions and Credibility- 
A Masters a degree in particular earns you excellent professional credibility among clients and boss. One can even find various other income options through writing etc that cannot be earned through a Bachelor’s degree. The better standard of the work and efforts, the better chances raise for a promotion.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017 Urdu Poetry Collection

Happy New Year 2017 Urdu Poetry Collection 
New Year Pics 2017 in Urdu
2017 poetry In Urdu
Most welcome to my blog with kind of contents comes to Happy New Year 2017 Poetry in Urdu.-2016 is ending and New Year 2017 is just to say hello, Happy New Year Poetry in Urdu. We are adding in this blog best New Year poetry images to wish your friends, family and your love. Therefore New Year images in aborigine language Urdu are given exclusively.
 2017 poetry In Urdu;  In this blog post we are going to explicate Best Happy New Year 2017 poetry In Urdu which is certainly a big one as compared to others and I hope you like my this effort. Select the best ones and blast out with these awesome happy new year wishes.
New Year Pics 2017 in Urdu:  This is the only and awesome occasion in which everyone makes a new inception by leaving all the things behind that you have not needed. If you are hopeful the same on this New Year 2017 then we add a huge collection of Happy New Year Images in Urdu, New Year Urdu Greetings, Happy New Year 2017 Messages in Urdu. Share your Happy New Year 2017 Pics in Urdu.
Happy New Year 2017 Photos For FB; Nowadays Pakistani and Indian facebook users find these type of poetry to post on facebook or another social website,

happy new year poetry

The Mentor Club: Kick Start Your Online Business In 2017!

The Mentor Club ConferenceI just got free from a busy schedule to share stories of some of the recent seminars we conducted in past few months. The first in the list is "The Conference Connect" event organized by "The Mentor Club" team which took place on Saturday, July 23 and it was exceptional in many ways.  It was a long 3 hours conference with a total of 7 guest speakers out of which most were TV anchors, social activists, entrepreneurs or Journalists. I was invited as a guest speaker on behalf of STCnetwork to present online earning strategies and share startup business ideas for people interested to start their online business in 2017.

What Topics Did The Conference Cover?

The conference was quite versatile in its topics which included:

  1. Freelancing
  2. News Anchoring
  3. CV Making
  4. How to become a public speaker
  5. Social Sector Communication
  6. Discussion on entrepreneurship ideas
  7. Meet up with Brains of corporate sector
  8. Social networking
  9. Motivational Session
  10. Build up you financial opportunities
  11. QA Sessions
  12. Confidence Building

Conference Venue and Speakers List

Following is a brief introduction of all fellow guest speakers:

Rizwan jaffer - youth parliament

Muhammad Rizwan Jaffar:

He is the Founder and Chairman of Youth Parliament. He founded Youth Parliament in 100th Episode of his Famous TV Youth Talk Show Cafe Vision on Indus Vision TV Channel at Karachi on 14th August 2005.

He currently works at AAJ News as an anchorperson of the famous shows "Sawal Hai Pakistan Ka" and "Mayor Online".




Shahzad khan, Anchor ARY News

Shahzad Khan:

Mr. Shahzad has worked as a journalist with several prominent names of the news industry including CNBC, Samaa TV, News 1, Radio Pakistan and currently serving ARY News as a senior anchor.

He is one of the founding members of the Pakistan Media Club, he is at present the Karachi Head of PMC. You can see him daily on ARY NEWS.



Saddam Tufail - Host on Express News

Saddam Tufail Hashmi:

Saddam Tufail has been working in media since 2000 as a news editor, program anchor, producer and Analyst.

He is a Member of Pakistan federal union of journalists, Karachi union of journalists, Karachi Press Club, Arts council of Pakistan Karachi, Human Rights commission of Pakistan etc. He is currently a host at a crime show named "GRIFT" on Express News, as  well as hosting a current affairs live show "INSIGHT" on PTV News thrice a week.



Maryam Fatima - CEO The Mentor Club

Maryam Fatima:

Maryam Fatima  is a creative copywriter by profession and currently works for many firms which includes "The Express Tribune". She has authored over 1500 articles online.  Currently Editor and Head Marketing Team at Youth Power Society, Content Writer for and She is the CEO of "The Mentor Club" team.

I liked her presentation on content writing so much that I even asked her to email me her power point slides because she had explained the core basics of copywriting so well.


Alamgir Khan - Founder Fixit CompaignAlamgir Khan

The one man army behind the Fixit Campaign. Alamgir is a young guy with an aim to bring positive change in the society by solving daily life issues of the poor.

He become a media sensation when he started drawing graffiti of CM Qaim Ali Shah on path holes and ditches in order to bring his attention to fix them.

I really liked when he said that three things are controlled by God and no one has power over it.  i.e. 1. Respect, 2. Destined wealth, 3. Fixed date of death


Jibran Yousuf - Motivational SpeakerJibran Yousuf:

An energetic young enthusiast who runs his own clothing brand (TX-ture). He is a brilliant motivational speaker and has performed on several public speaking competitions held at national level, among which is the recent "Nust Prowars" event, where I had the privilege to be the judge and speaker. Jibran was the only participant who impressed me immensely and thus he won the first prize because he deserved it.

Event details of Prowars will be shared shortly.


Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai - Founder STCnetwork

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

And finally... Well let's ignore the introduction here. :)







"The Mentor Club" Organizers

I was invited to the event by Syed Ali Raza who is a correspondent at 7 News Pakistan, founder of W-11 Theater, Journalist at K21 News and former news reporter at HOT FM 105.

Thank you Ali for the kind invite. Really appreciate it.

Syed Ali Raza - Journalist

"The Mentor Club" consists of a group of young talented students from different universities of Karachi and its led by Maryam Fatima.

The Mentor Club Team

The Mentor Club Team

Important Highlights Of "The Mentor Club" Conference

Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

Apart from a normal talk on blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing and digital product selling, I focused deeply this time on setting up an ecommerce store and shared the business strategy for it to ensure a lucrative and sustainable income online.

Important points discussed that day are listed below:

  • Explained the fundamental difference between victims of slave mentality
  • Talked in detail about the difference between PlanA and PlanB system of life
  • Explained the stages involved in setting up an online store to sell a merchandise.
  • Shared basics such setting up website architecture,  producing SEO friendly content and finally marketing the brand through AdWords and Facebook.
  • I discussed A-Z of ecommerce business such as setting up site, uploading content, accepting orders and delivering merchandise using a cash on delivery system.
  • I gave a helicopter view of how affiliate business works and how blogging helps youngsters to make a living online by producing quality content.
  • Shared some real life SEO examples of clients websites that I was working on.
  • Discussed my interest on launching a clothing brand at and shared methods on making it a big hype. (I have kept in pending because I am instead busy starting a more productive website in 2017 that I will reveal soon.)
  • I shared tips on how housewives can setup their blogs or vlogs and start making money straight from their living rooms. I shared examples of some of my Indian clients who run fashion blogs and are making $5000+ a month.
  • I emphasized on the importance of learning a skill set that is currently the only way to succeed in this competitive world.
  • I encouraged the students to learn these 3 core things:
    1. Web Development (CSS3, HTML4, JavaScript/jQuery, PHP/MySQL)
    2. Mobile Development (Java and Objective C)
    3. SEO (The art of ranking websites in SERPs)

Backstage Chat With Guest Speakers

During lunch time I had some short chats with fellow guest speakers i.e. Rizwan Jaffar and Shahzad Khan. I found them very friendly in talks though they seemed a little reserved when it came to how the TV channels are operated.

I asked them why television broadcasting network does not focus on academic programs that could guide youngsters in understanding core basics of internet marketing, blogging, SEO and affiliate business. They agreed to the importance of such topics but they insisted on that TV focuses on subjects that will entertain people and create more hype thus bringing ratings which is the biggest aim of any TV channel. Academic programs is aimed mostly for educated people and this wont attract the illiterate of the society who love nothing more than pure entertainment.

I then understand on what they meant. In short building a healthy society is not what a TV channel aims for, all it is concerned is doing great business by producing content that will create hype.

When I asked them that is it true that the campaigns that TV channels work on is scripted from abroad by some elite powers and the CEO of the channel is just a puppet. They smiled and attained silence which in other words was a yes from them in indirect way.

Some Visual Glimpses

Photo credits goes to my friend Saad Ahmed Awan and the Mentor Club Team.

Country Inn Hotel Conference Hall

Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

The Mentor Club Conference

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai with Shahzad Khan of ARY NEWS

Saddam Tufail at The Mentor Club Conference

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

shahzad khan of ARY at The Mentor Club Conference

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

My friend Ahsan Marfani a financial controller at Total Parco also accompanied me that day. He is a CA/ACCA certified and it was an honor having him.

Ahsan Marfani - FC at Total Parco

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

The Mentor Club Conference

Blogger Mohammad Mustafa at  The Mentor Club Conference

Meet Khalid Siddiqui in the picture below, a courageous boy who is doing BBA and looking to start his own business. He was shot 8 times straight in right chest by mobile snatchers but yet he is alive to narrate his story of never giving UP!

He attended this conference on entrepreneurship and later visited my office to meet me in person and share his wonderful story.

Khalid Siddiqui

Khalid Siddiqui karachi

Khalid Siddiqui at STCnetwork

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai blogger from pakistan

Maryam Fatima - CEO The Mentor Club

The Mentor Club

Shahzad Khan of ARY News

Country Inn Hotel

Country Inn Hotel Conference Hall

shahzad khan of ary news

syed ali raza - journalist

Alamgir of Fixit wit Blogger Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

Saddam Tufail at The Mentor Club Conference

Rizwan Jaffar of Youth ParliamentMaryam Fatima at The Mentor Club Conference

Rizwan Jaffar with Syed Ali Raza

Jibran Yousuf, Young speaker

Saddam Tufail of Express news and PTV

Alamgir khan of Fixit compaign

Rizwan Jaffar of Youth Parliament

Alamgir khan of Fixit Compaign

shahzad khan of ARY NEws

Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai with MAryam Fatima

The Mentor Club Conference

The Mentor Club Conference

The Mentor Club Conference

The Mentor Club Team

Alamgir Khan of Fixit Compaign

The Mentor Club Conference

When is our next seminar?

I conduct these seminars for free to help spread the message of entrepreneurship across country. All I aim for is to share the karma of knowledge I have acquired over 8 years with students who deserve a far better future than what they are being brainwashed at schools, colleges and universities.

Year 2016 was a busy year where I happen to attend several seminars and conferences, in year 2017 we plan to focus more on our business and work on some pending projects in mind. I am not sure when will we head next to but I will keep you updated about any such seminar possibility through my FB profile.

If you have attended this conference then please share your experience with us. If you want to attend such conferences in future please let us know what topics should we focus more on that could help you with your online endeavors. Waiting to hear from you all! :)