ice that you're here. Because that means that you want to be more detailed with your camera and are ready for the fundamentals of photography. Here you will find a compact overview of the most important functions of your camera. If we were to deal with every single topic intensively here, this would be a much too long article and you could probably print it as a book.
If you want to learn more and learn how to communicate with us, then our 22places Fotokurs, where you learn to take great photos online, will definitely do something for you.
For the post we recommend you have your camera and your manual with you and always synonymous everything directly to try out.
The aperture controls how far the lens is opened and how much light falls on the sensor of your camera. The fade number you recognize that an f / before it stands.
Following Merksatz you should brand yourself:
The smaller the aperture value, the larger the aperture, the more light reaches the sensor of your camera, ie small number, a lot of light and large number, little light .
Aperture Priority Mode A (Av)
Your camera has a mode A (or Av), in which you can determine your fade number yourself. Accordingly, you decide how much light hits the sensor of your lens and your camera is so nice and sets the appropriate shutter speed.
depth of field
With different f-numbers, you decide not only how much light is on your sensor, but also how much depth of focus your image has.
In any case, we found at the end: The smaller the f-number, the less depth of field has your picture . So, with an aperture of f / 1.8, the background is very fuzzy and with a aperture of f / 22 the whole picture is very sharp.
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